Interactive English Theatre for a Modern Audience

About Us

What kind of shows do you play?

Who Is It For?

The shows are primarily designed for non-native speakers who want to practice their English. However, the quality of the scripts and the actors mean that, in reality, it is for everyone who appreciates good theatre.

Where Do You Play?

You can visit us in one of our venues in Prague or we can come and play for you in your school, office, or other space.

How Much Does It Cost?

Our theatre shows are free, but we ask audience members to make a voluntary contribution of at least 200Kč. A program in your own space will cost between 5-12000Kč.


Yes, it is. Your Voice Theatre is the latest project of The Bear Educational Theatre, the longest running (28 years) and most prolific professional English Theatre in the Central European region.

Next shows

Monday Feb 17th

The Globe Bookstore and Café,
Pštrossová 1925/6, Praha 1

6.00 pm

A Meeting With Agatha Christie

Wednesday Feb 19th

Richy Happy Bar, Art Together,
Záhořanského 2007, Praha 1

7.00 pm

The Czech Republic Show

Saturday Feb 23rd

Richy Happy Bar, Art Together,
Záhořanského 2007, Praha 1

7.00 pm

The Detectives

Monday Feb 24th

The Globe Bookstore and Café,
Pštrossová 1925/6, Praha 1

5.00 pm

A Meeting With James Joyce tbc

Tuesday Feb 25th

The Reduta Theatre,
Národní Třída 20, Praha 1

5.30 pm

The History of England Part 1

7.00 pm

The History of England Part 2

Contact Us/ Reserve Places

Tell us which show(s) you are interested in and how many places you want to reserve. We will get back to you and confirm your reservation. We can also play a show just for you, in your space. Ask us for a quotation.